Sunday Feb.24th 2008
A bright and sunny Lords-day afternoon. I was enjoying a lovely quiet ride to Winnipeg for "fellowship tea", followed by a gospel meeting.
As I was zooomming along in my mazda, LOL, I remembered our brother "W" wanting a picture of this 1 room schoolhouse he saw while visiting on my move to Manitoba.
I had just finished stopping to pay a visit to some of the local wildlife. There has been a great deal around this winter, seeing as many as 40 to 50 at once at various times.
Well the fellowship and the dinner were great, and the gospel refreshing, especially nice to see visitor's there also.
Time to go, my prayers are with you............. Marlin
is this My brother Martin?
Marlin***... lol miss type
Yes, dear brother Troy. Pray the Lord is keeping your heart refreshed with Himself.
Beautiful pictures...looks cold tho! Is the one room schoolhouse still in use? I love it! Are you enjoying the snow out there? And the sunshine?? :) I know you missed all that out west here. It's actually been very sunny and warm here in the last week or two. We miss your fellowship, brother Marlin.
I am not sure if the schoolhouse is still in use ? As for the snow and sunshine, :) Yeah its good. The amazing sunrises on the way to work in the morning have been wonderful. They sure make you think of that soon coming Son, coming for to take us Home. And how much more glorious that will be. Your fellowship, cooking, and great family are all very missed. I look forward to seeing y'all at conference Lord willing.
Take care now Ya-here !
...Just trying out my red-neck.
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